Our Vision

  1. To provide a curriculum that inspires a love of learning that will last for life.
  2. To inspire good stewardship in students by teaching them to care for their bodies, relationships, communities, and all they have been given or entrusted with.
  3. To support parents in building Godly character in their children. This will result in the development of good leaders - making the world a better place for all.

“Our mission”, to quote Charlotte Mason, is to "provide a ‘living education’, where each child is guided and empowered to author a full and free life; a life rich in relationship to God, self, others, ideas, and all of creation. Thus, our primary concern is the kind of student each child is becoming, not the mastery of particular data or technique, for we are confident that the student who masters the art of learning will attain his or her full potential for mastering data and technique. Students who master the art of relating well to God, self, others, ideas, and creation will attain the fullness of life for which they were created."

Our Values

We believe every child should have access to learning in a safe environment.

  • Safe from harmful food substances
  • Safe from bullying
  • Safe from judgement and shaming
  • Safe from fundamental extremism (political, ideological, religious, philosophical, or nutritional)
  • Safe from manipulation, abuse, and control
  • Safe to develop true Godly character
  • Safe to grow in accountability and responsibility.
  • Safe not to be compared to others for the sake of finding or naming the best.
  • Safe to grow and love and learn about things that matter, like music and maths, art and architecture, poetry and permaculture, nature and nutrition, history and Heaven, creatures and creation, geography and grammar, biology and the Bible, life skills and love, exercise and entrepreneurship.
  • Safe to move and get physically healthy and strong without being judged for your body type.

In other words;

  • Safe to be their best selves and prepared to be successful in the real world.
  • Having opportunities to develop spiritually and socially, in finances, business, work, study, and in anything they put their hand to.

"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost;

when character is lost, all is lost."

Billy Graham

To provide this Living Education, we use:


  • An approach inspired by holistic educators and visionaries such as Charlotte Mason, Dr Maria Montessori, and Dr Ken Robinson, as well as Finland’s educational philosophies and methods.
  • We use a blended curriculum which includes an international online program from Grade 4 to High school, culminating in an internationally recognized school leaving qualification, the GED or General Education Diploma. The GED is recognized by 85 countries around the world, including the USA and is approved by SAQA (South African Qualification Assurance) as an NQF4 qualification, the same as the Matric Certificate.
  • A Nutritional Program based on the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (www.pcrm.org).
  • Character-building based on Biblical and family values. 
  • Inspired by the success of the Finnish educational system, we prepare our senior students for the following opportunities:

(1) the ability to start your own business or work and be an asset to an employer,

(2) to attend a TVET (Technical and Vocational & Educational College) or

(3) to attend a private university or to take the necessary steps to study at a government university.


We encourage our school leavers to discover their unique talents, strengths and interests – and learn how to use them to live a life that will be both personally meaningful as well as a positive influence on their community. We believe students should not chase a higher qualification to impress anyone but to pursue the option which is best for them.   We work with our parents to explore the best choice for each individual.