Our Code of Conduct:


At The Daniel Academy, we like to keep rules and our code of conduct simple and easy to remember. As our school's driving core is to help young people grow in good character it is pretty simple to figure out. People of good character are respectful towards others in word and deed. They are considerate and they base their lives on higher spiritual values, like loving your neighbour as yourself.


The following acronym is displayed in our classes and office to help us all remember what our values are:


T - is it true 



H - is it helpful 



I - is it inspiring 



N - is it necessary 



K - is it kind 


If it is not, we should avoid doing and saying it. 


We simplify this further on our school logo - LIVE, LEARN, LEAD 


1. We focus on living well. This includes a healthy diet and lifestyle and behaviour that is kind and respectful to the people and to the world we live in. 


2. We learn to think critically, so that we can solve problems, and in doing so make the world a better place.


3. We lead, by setting an example to the people around us so that our lives inspire them to do so too. Our goal is to be a light wherever we go.


If this inspires you - then The Daniel Academy is for you!  Like Daniel in the Scriptures, we intend to live with purpose and a vision for a better world. 


For a more detailed version of this and other aspects of the school, please download our Parent's Handbook.